The Cardfight Club receives an invitation to and then registers for the upcoming Vanguard Fight High School Championship, a tournament that will feature high school Vanguard teams from all over Japan. Naoki suggests to check out some of the competition, which leads to the club visiting Fukuhara High, an elite private high school that is associated with Team Asteroid. The club is greeted by Tetsu Shinjou, who leads everyone into the school where they watch a cardfight between Asaka Narumi and Leon Soryu, much to Aichi's surprise. Asaka tries to end the game by using Starlight Melody Tamer, Farah's Personablast and the Pale Moon strategy of superior calling units from the soul during the battle phase for additional attacks. Despite the multi-pronged assault, Leon defends himself and then rides Last Card, Revonn on top of Blue Flight Dragon, Trans-core Dragon. This activates the latter's Break Ride effect, forcing Asaka to discard a card from her hand.